We all know how hard it is to break a habit and probably the hardest one to break is smoking. Most smokers will try to stop smoking in the New Year and they will try many various ways to do this. From patches, self help books, cold turkey and electronic cigarettes. Recent studies have shown that you are 3 times more likely to stop smoking by switching to e cigs than using NRT products, what does this tell us, that if
There have been many stories in the media of late regarding e
cigarettes and we want to give you some facts from experts in this field which will
show you that ecigs are less harmful than smoking and also that you can stop
smoking by using them.
You can see in the link below, Clive Bates who is the former director of ASH UK, his view and facts
We all know it is true that millions of long-term smokers have developed diseases that have caused them to die early. At any one time when there are 20 smokers suffering from a smoking related disease, one person has died as a result of smoking. However, it is understood that these diseases and deaths are caused almost exclusively by inhaling smoke and not from the tobacco or nicotine themselves. Vaping products, commonly referred to as electronic cigarettes or e cigarettes, do not burn tobacco
Just a few years ago electronic cigarettes were uncommon, hard to find and a mystery to most people. Now
they’re everywhere – but it turns out they’re still a mystery to most people.
Any survey carried out always find that while the public hear a lot in the media about e-cigarettes and
vaping in the media, they don’t really know much about them.
Unfortunately, smokers aren’t really better informed about vaping than
Many people question whether it is safe to vape or use electronic cigarettes when pregnant. Others question
whether or not it is a good idea to be around those who do vape. That’s why we have compiled a
list of frequently asked questions when it comes to the use of vaping kits or electronic cigarettes and
Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe to Use while Pregnant?
Electronic cigarettes are not completely risk free,
When you were growing up, you probably
frequently heard your parents say, “Do you believe everything that you hear?” This question can be applied to almost
anything, including electronic cigarettes and vaping. Don’t just go on what someone tells you (including us!), but
rather check out the facts for yourself. Below are some common myths regarding electronic cigarettes, along with the
facts that can help you squash the rumors you may hear as you enjoy your electronic cigarette
Until quite recently, sub-ohm vaping was not very common and was only carried out by experts who understood
coil building and Ohm’s Law. However, with the introduction of higher-quality and safer devices,
sub-ohm vaping has become more popular.
What is Sub-Ohm Vaping?
Sub-Ohming means to vape with an atomizer that has a resistance level of less than one Ohm
(an Ohm is a unit used to measure
As if choosing from the hundreds of e-liquids available to you is hard enough, there are also other things to
consider. Whether you’re a first-time vaper or an experienced one, the terms
‘PG’ & ‘VG’ may sound very familiar to you. You may have
noticed these acronyms before on the side of a bottle of e-liquid, usually represented as a percentage or a