Vaping is not traditional smoking, and as such, it doesn’t suffer from quite the same restrictions as traditional tobacco-puffing. However, the rules can be confusing, as government restrictions are confined to certain areas, restrictions often
One of the most common problems with habit-changing – such as quitting smoking – is the lack of immediate results. Discouraged by the challenges of the first few days or weeks (cravings, fidgeting, grouchiness etc.), smokers often relapse; disheartened and defeated.
However, according to a comprehensive new study, vaping can have a positive effect on the life of a smoker trying to quit within as little as one month.
There are pros and cons to vaping at work. A research study carried out last year shows that over the course of one year, smokers work 7 days less than their non-smoking colleagues. And the reason: cigarette breaks.
Going outside for a smoke loses time and make employees
We’ve talked before about the everyday benefits and how much money
you’d save if you quit smoking. There’s nothing stopping you from quitting, but sometimes the thoughts of
quitting and what will happen to you when you quit can be a big deterrent.
The benefits of switching from traditional cigarettes to vaping are not just to your health and your pocket.
Vaping is also much more versatile, adaptable and (dare we say) fun.
The relative uniformity of traditional cigarettes can be a drag (pun intended), as can its persistent smell.
But because
In recent years, the annual budget announcement from the government has often been a difficult time for Irish
consumers. The occasion is particularly difficult on the pockets of the traditional smoker.
Every single year, consumers can depend on cigarette smoking to climb up by at least a few cents. Indeed, in
last year’s budget Finance Minister Michael Noonan claimed that cigarette tax was the only added
levy to
Thanks to services like YouTube, consumers all over the world have the opportunity to get an up close look at
some of the products they are interested in before committing to purchase. Smartphones, game consoles and
even kitchen appliances have enjoyed this process, and now we’re giving vaping the unboxing
So you’re considering switching to vaping after hearing some of your friends’ and
An old – but thankfully fading – holiday tradition for many is the bulk-buying of
duty-free cigarettes on the return journey. As a result of taxation in Ireland, duty-free is often a prime
opportunity for a reduced spend on gifts of this nature, even though when travelling within the EU the
savings are often non-existent
Good news for the thousands of Irish people who have switched from smoking to vaping, as
RTE reported this week
: “The Department of Health will not extend the smoking ban to include vaping devices.”
This is good news on two levels. On the one hand, everyday vaping will – of course – be easier. But it’s also important on another
We at VIP have long promoted the use of electronic cigarettes as an effective method to help smokers give up
traditional tobacco products. This being the case, we were naturally delighted to receive the following
message from one of our customers.
“I just wanted to let you know, that my wife uses your products. In June 2012, we were
shopping in Wexford and my wife did not feel well, she was very short of breath and a bit dizzy. We