We are all getting more environmentally conscious these days and rightly so. One of the main items
that seems to be causing litter issues is disposable vape products. We need to do what we can to
ensure that these products end up back for recycling and off our streets.
at Hale Vaping have taken this on board and have set up a recycle
program for this exact purpose.
If you are a disposable user we urge you to help
us get your empty product back for recycling and this is how easy it is to do. Bring your empty
disposable to a Hale store, another vape store or to your local retail shop. In all of these shops
there are blue WEEE boxes, see below, that are there to take the empty products back.
Waste batteries are taken back in store on a one-for zero basis (i.e. no purchased required) as long as they are of equivalent type to that sold by that store. WEEE and waste batteries can also be returned to your local civic amenity site free of charge.
The following link will show you how to find the civic amenity site closest to you where you can recycle your WEEE, batteries and light bulbs, https://www.weeeireland.ie/household-recycling/where-can-i-recycle/.
Never put WEEE, batteries or light bulbs in any of your bins.