There have been many stories in the media of late regarding e cigarettes and we want to give you some facts from experts in this field which will show you that ecigs are less harmful than smoking and also that you can stop smoking by using them.
You can see in the link below, Clive Bates who is the former director of ASH UK, his view and facts based on the Public Health England report that ecigs are 95% less harmful than smoking. This study was done by the health department in the UK and shows really positive results on the ecigarette products.
He also did a recent piece on the Billion Lives Story. This is calculations done by the experts based on current numbers of smokers worldwide and it shows that up to 1 Billion people could die from smoke related diseases in the 21st Century. It is a great read and shows you the startling facts around smoking.
Overall electronic cigarette products will be the target of some false and non factual stories. We need to listen to the experts in this field and the field of tobacco control. They are saying and showing us that e-cigarettes are less harmful and also that you should buy from a trusted brand and company. We at VIP manufacture all our eliquid in the UK and our products are screened and tested for any toxicity, so this for us gives our customers confidence in what you are buying from us.

e cigarettes are safer
Should you have any questions or queries please get in touch with us here at VIP and we will do our best to answer them for you. We want to thank you for your custom and we hope that we can continue to deliver to you the best products in this sector and also the best service that you deserve.