Who is at risk?
Many smokers are being urged to quit now more than ever due to existing lung conditions or damage to the lungs and airways, which puts them at a much higher risk than non-smokers of developing the virus. With already weakened lungs, and the act of repeatedly using a cigarette, PHE believes extra measures must be made to strengthen the body’s natural defences. Alongside this, Gan Quan, a public health specialist and director of International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, said:
“Reducing smoking rates is the single biggest thing we can do to improve the nation’s health as it will reduce cardiovascular disease, respiratory conditions and cancer, meaning people can live longer in better health.”
Rosa O’Connor, an expert at Public Health England
While there have been some concerns regarding vaping and contracting COVID-19, PHE has stated that there is currently no evidence that the coronavirus can be spread via inhaling another person’s e-cigarette vapor.
Officials have said smokers with coronavirus are 14 times more likely to develop severe symptoms, as the virus attacks the respiratory system, with both smoking and passive smoking weakening lungs.
Safety measures
In Spain, Italy and Switzerland, all non-essential shops have been temporarily closed to prevent the spread – however, vape shops, supermarkets and pharmacies have been allowed to remain open during the pandemic. In Ireland many vape shops have been closed, however online businesses are working extra hours while ensuring cleanliness and extra safety measures have been put in place, to allow customers to still receive orders. In addition to this, contact free deliveries by couriers are allowing customers of vape retailers and many more sectors to receive goods while keeping a safe distance. We believe that it is paramount that ex-smokers are still able to access vaping products rather than be forced to return to smoking.
Make the switch
So, if you are thinking of making the switch to e-cigarettes for the health benefits during lockdown and beyond, there is help available without having to leave the safety of your home. You can contact me directly at joe@vipelectroniccigarette.ie and I will assist you to make the SWITCH today.
You can also buy all your vape products at www.vipecig.ie